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KPIs for Auto Min/Max Process

KPIs are available for the Auto Min/Max Process. They help measure the effectiveness of process.

The first KPI is total stock value difference year over year.
  • Inventory Value year over year is a KPI to show the inventory valuation of current year and previous year. The goal of the auto min/max process is to set min/max levels based on historical use. The KPI shows the impact of min/max levels to amount of stock to hold.
    • The year may be changed to show the value of that year and its previous year.
    • Multi-Site is enabled for one to drill down to individual sites.

The second KPI shows the total difference of min/max stock level changes by an auto min/max process run.

  • The KPI shows total difference between the new min/max levels and the ones before the process run.
  • Multi-Site is enabled for one to drill down to individual sites.
How to Use KPIs for Process Improvement
Auto Min/Max Process for Inventory

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