In the coming release of Calem R2024f, asset deletion is further restricted by asset status:

  • Asset status must be "Disposed" for an asset to be deleted.

 1. Asset Deletion Restriction

One can select one or more assets for deletion. 

  • If an asset is referenced by other objects such as work order, it cannot be deleted.
  • If there are no references to an asset, Calem prompt the user to confirm the deletion. 
  • Press OK to continue the asset deletion process. 
  • If the asset is not of "Disposed" status, the deletion is blocked with an error dialog (the first screenshot above).

 2. Bulk Edit to Modify Asset Status

A bulk edit menu is added to allow one to modify selected assets to "Disposed" status. Alternatively, assets may be modified in bulk through export and import (see references in Resources below).

  • Select one or more assets (by checking the checkboxes in the asset list). 
  • Click "Bulk Edit" to launch bulk edit asset by a field.
  • Select "Status" field to change, press "Save".
  • Select "Disposed" status, press "Save".
  • "In-Store" and "Offsite Repair" statuses are not allowed in "Bulk Edit".