By Clay Li on Wednesday, 28 August 2024
Category: Feature

Steps to Implement Risk Assessment in Calem

Risk Assessment Module is added in Calem in the coming release of R2024e (September 2024). This blog presents the steps to implement Risk Assessment in Calem.

The Risk Assessment module may be used to manage life cycles of risks including potential risk identification and documentation, analysis and evaluation, and the development of mitigation steps. It is part of the management of health, safety and environment (HSE).

1. What is an Risk Assessment?

Risk assessment is a systematic process used to identify, analyze, and evaluate potential risks that could negatively impact an organization or project. It is critical for proactively managing potential threats to an organization or project.

 2. Risk Matrix

A risk matrix can be configured by Risk Planners. It is a matrix for an organization to determine risk levels and priorities.

 3. Risk Assessment Roles

Roles for risk assessment including risk planners, monitors, principal investigators (PI), review board and others.

 4. Assign Roles to Risks

There are two types of resources to assign to a risk:

5. Create a Risk

A risk is created by a user with access to the risk module.

 6. Risk Lifecycles

Only Principal Investigators (PI for a risk) can modify risk statuses.

 Additional Resources