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Access Control by Location

​Calem Enterprise allows one to restrict asset access by locations. Here is a business case:

  • Specialized assets are deployed in various areas of a facility.
  • The areas are managed by groups of maintenance staff.
  • Each maintenance group should only access assets for their areas.
  • Each area is mapped to a location in Calem

To implement location-based access control, the first step is to select an ACL profile to work with, or, creating a new ACL profile if needed. 

We will work with "JJ.EAM.MaintenanceStaff". Leave "All site access" unchecked since we need to add sites to the ACL profile for location-level access control.

Next, add one or more sites to the ACL Profile so these sites are allowed. 

For each site you like to add location level access control, click the site row to open its site form.

You can grant or revoke access to locations using the two lists provided in the Location tab. The access defined for a location is only applicable at that location level, child locations are not applied. 

  • ​Use either "Include" or "Exclude" list to define location access control. Do not use both.
  • If "Included" locations are defined, only these locations are accessible for the ACL profile.
  • If "Excluded" locations are defined, all locations other than defined here are accessible to the ACL profile.
Finally, assign the ACL profile to login users so the location-based access control is implemented for the users applied. This can be done from ACL Profile form's "User" tab. Alternatively, you can do ACL profile assignment from User form's "ACL Profile" tab.

See Calem Enterprise Admin Guide for more information about ACL Profile management.

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