By Clay Li on Monday, 01 January 2024
Category: Feature

Work Order Creation and Changes by Map

Work order creation and changes by map is available in the coming release of R2023f (January 2024). The feature supports the following use cases:

 1. Create WO by Map

This feature supports the creation of a work order from map. 

 1.1 Create WO by Map for Floorplans

The process to create WO for floorplans is the same as the one for maps above.

2. Change Asset/Location by Map

The asset/location selected above may need to be changed after investigation. It can be done in the map.

 2.1 Change Asset/Location by Map for Floorplans

The asset/location change by map is similar for floorplans.

 3. Work Order Pins 

Work order pins are not changed when an asset or location is re-assigned out of the box. It is possible to modify the pin of a work order to the geocodes of the asset or location re-assigned - see Admin Guide for more info.

 Additional Resources