Calem Blogs

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How to Customize Multi-Language Labels

Multi-language labels allow Calem to show text labels in several languages in forms, reports and exports. For instance, "WO #" and "BT #" are English and French labels for work order number labels, Calem could display the label for work order label as "WO #/BT #". 

Here is a use case of dual-language labels:

  • A customer has a joint venture in China and likes to have Calem display both English and Chinese labels in screen and reports. 
  • This can be done through a new language pack with both English and Chinese. Calem ships the new language pack "English (US)/ Chinese" out of the box (see screenshot below).
  • In general one can create a new language pack to display labels consisting of existing languages in Calem. See Admin Guide (F2. Multi-Language Labels) for more information.

Text Customization 

Text customization can be performed as a login user. Here're the highlights:

  • Different from customization of forms and reports, text customization is not related to groups. A text customization is applied to the system so users of every group see the changed text.
  • Label design menu is available to users with login profile of CUSTOM_SYSTEM group. For instance, the default profile for "admin" user has the rights to customize labels. Users of "Admin" profile have the "CUSTOM_SYSTEM" group.
  • The texts customized are saved for the current login language. 
    • To customize a different language, log out and log in with a different language before customization.
  • To start customization, click "Customize" button to launch the desktop into customization mode.
    • The following is an example to customize a work order screen.
  •  Next, right click on a text and click "Edit" to customize the text.
  •  You can edit the Label (1) and save the change (2); or you may delete a customization (3) to use the system default.
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