Calem Blogs

Blogs of CalemEAM

Purchase Order Print Part 3 - Terms and Conditions

In Purchase Order Print Customization Part 2 we discussed the header templates and terms and conditions. In this blog I will cover the PO terms and conditions in detail. 

PO terms and conditions can be defined in Calem in the following ways:

  • For site specific terms, go to Site form (Org module | EAM company | Site tab) and edit the site to add terms text to the "PO term" field. The field can hold up to 4000 characters.
    • If your terms are over 4000 chars, or have formatting requirements. You may upload a PDF document including the terms and conditions to Calem (Doc module | Doc list | new doc | attach the PDF term file). Then, go to Site form, set "PO Term Doc" to the doc uploaded, and have "Use PO Doc" checkbox ticked.
  • If all sites are using the same terms and conditions, go to EAM company form (Org module | EAM company) and edit the EAM company in the same way as for sites.
  • The site terms overwrite the ones at company if found.
The following screenshot shows the PO term document defined at EAM company form.

The screenshot below shows the document list form when you can create a new document for your PDF file of terms and conditions.

  • ​Menu path: Doc module | Doc list | Create doc

Vendor Specific Terms

Vendor specific terms can be defined at Vendor form (Organization | Open | Vendors) in the same way. The flag "Vendor Term" can be checked in the PO form to indicate the use of the terms configured at the PO vendor. If the vendor terms are not configured the one configured at EAM company is used. A warning is shown at the PO form if the flag is checked and there is no terms configured at the PO vendor.

Customers can find more information in Calem Enterprise Admin Guide about PO print in HTML and PDF. Contact the Calem Support Team for questions.

Additional resources

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Bulk Update II: Work Order and PM

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