Calem Blogs

Blogs of CalemEAM

Weekly Scheduling for Own Teams

A new team-based weekly scheduling is available in the coming release of Calem R2022b planned for May 2022. It allows one to configure WO planners to do weekly scheduling for their own teams.

1. "Scheduling Own Teams" Flag

A new flag is added in the monitor user form for users to do weekly scheduling for their teams. It is a productivity facility for teams to focus on their own scheduling.

  • Menu: Organization | ACL Profiles | Monitor User
  • Add a user or team with "WO Planner" role and set "Scheduling Own Teams" to checked.
  • These users can only do weekly scheduling for their own teams.
  • The "No email" flag should be checked to avoid receiving emails not relating to their teams.

2. My Team Weekly Schedule (Read-Only)

A new menu "My Team Weekly Schedule (Read-Only)" has been added for one to view weekly scheduling of own teams.

  • Admin can customize the Schedule module to make the menu available to users so they can view the weekly schedule for their own teams.
  • The menu "Weekly Schedule (Read-Only)" shows the weekly schedules for all teams. It can be made available to users who need to see schedules of all teams.
Tips to Browse Open Work Orders
Comparing Weekly vs Weeks of PM Schedules

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