By Clay Li on Tuesday, 31 December 2024
Category: Feature

When to Use Google Translate Plugin with Calem

Google Translate Plugin is developed by Google. It may be used to translate Calem Web Interface to a language other than English. Here's a screenshot of Calem Web Interface in Italian with Google Translate plugin. Field level help is also translated by Google Translate plugin.

Calem provides language packs which are pre-translated and deployed with Calem. Google Translate Plugin may be used the following cases:

1. Install Google Translate Plugin

To use Google Translate Plugin, install the plugin from your Chrome browser: 

 2. Use Google Translate with Calem Web

Once Google Translate is installed and enabled, log into your Calem. Click the Google Translate plugin (1). A popup window shows the language option, you may click "Italian" to translate to Italian, or click ... (2) to pick a different language to translate to.

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