The hours prefilled when scheduling a user to a work order have been refined in release R21a (May 2021).
The scheduling of a user to a work order can be done in the following ways:
Schedule | Weekly Schedule - dragging a work order to weekly calendar (see this blog)
Work Order Planning Tab: "More" dropdown - Assign to others or Assign to me
Work Order schedule list (Work Order screen | Planning Tab | Scheduled Labor list | Create a scheduling entry)
The "Hours" field is populated by Calem based on the following processes:
Planned hours are defined
in PM Plan for a work order
Scheduled hours are
assigned hours in a work order
Actual hours are hours
reported in a work order
The "Hours" equals to "Planned hours" - (the greater of "Scheduled hours" or "Actual hours")
For instance, the "Planned hours" of a PM work order is 4 hours, Jack is scheduled for 2 hours. Assigning John to the work order, "Hours" field is populated by "2" hour.
If there are no planned
hours, nor scheduled/actual hours, a default hour (1 hour) is filled.
The hours populated are less than
the maximum of hours to schedule for a day (a default maximum hours of 8 hours).