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Multiple Lines for a Service or Repair Item in a Requisition/PO

Multiple lines of a service or repair item can be added to a requisition or purchase order in Calem release R2023a available in March 2023.

  • For service item, each additional REQ or PO line of the same item needs to have a different cost center.
  • For repair item, each additional REQ or PO line of the same item needs to have a different repair WO. In the case an asset is repaired, a different asset is required.

 1. Service Lines

Here are the steps to add multiple service lines for the same service item in a REQ or PO.

  • Create a new REQ line
  • Select an item of category service to add a line.
  • Edit the line to set a cost center before adding a line of the same service item.
  • Repeat the process to add additional lines for the same service.
  • The same process applies to PO lines.

 2. Repair Lines

You may use one offsite repair item code for all your part repairs by vendors.

  • Use menu "Create Repair REQ"
  • A list of repair work orders are shown. 
  • Select a repair work order to be placed on REQ.
  • A list of repair items are shown.
  • Select a repair item to use.
  • A new REQ screen is show. Enter a due date and vendor to create a repair REQ.
  • Use "Add Repair" to add additional repair work orders with the same service code.
  • For businesses that do not use work orders for repairs contact Calem Support Team to enable the alternative repair process.

 3. Mixing Lines of Part, Service and Repair

It is possible to have service lines and part lines in a REQ. However, a repair REQ can only have repair lines. So, here are the options of lines in a REQ or PO:

  • A REQ can have only service lines.
  • A REQ can have only part lines.
  • A REQ can have both part and service lines.
  • A repair REQ can only have repair lines.
  • The same rules are applicable to POs.
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