Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

Vendor Email with Multiple Email Addresses

A vendor email field may include more than one email addresses in the coming release of Calem R2025. For instance, the email field of vendor ACME includes two email addresses separated by semi-colon ";".  When the vendor is used for a PO, the email address is copied over. Use "Email" to send the PO to the vendor of the PO. Calem...
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  910 Hits
910 Hits

How to Manage Contractors by Teams in Calem

​An organization may use contractors/vendors to perform maintenance activities. This blog discusses the use of teams in managing contractors/vendors. 1. Cross-Site Teams Calem provides a flexible team structure: In the coming release of Calem R20d in August 2020 any users of active status can be added to teams. A team may be cre...
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  6706 Hits
6706 Hits

Why Site Vendor Is Deprecated in Calem

Site vendor object is deprecated in Calem Enterprise in release 2019. It was intended to authorize vendors to supply parts to sites. The menu path was: Purchase | Open | Site Vendor. Once site vendor is defined, one may configure vendor prices for spare parts. The reasons to deprecate site vendor object include: Site vendor is maintained manua...
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  5158 Hits
5158 Hits