Calem Blogs

Blogs of CalemEAM

How to Identify Network Issues from Calem Web

Network issues such as internet connection outage will cause Calem to display an error message shown below. The error message indicating a network issue. To confirm the network problem you may use browser developer tools to confirm. Chrome is used as an example. Edge, Safari and Firefox all support developer tools.Go to Chrome's Opti...
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  1623 Hits
1623 Hits

Enhancement to License Seat Reporting

License seat reporting has been improved in the coming release of R2023a: License seats export to Excel: Admin | Open | User Seat User report includes the "License" flag for users with a license assigned: Organization | Report | User ListingQuery on the "License" flag (set to 1) to show all users with license assigned.  Additional Re...
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  1518 Hits
1518 Hits

Multiple MAC Addresses for Assets

Multiple MAC addresses are available for an asset in the coming release of Calem R2023a. It allows a user to find an asset by its mac addresses. Menu path: Asset | Report | MAC addresses  MAC addresses can be managed from Asset form: Menu path: Asset | Asset List | Asset | Contract Tab | MAC Address list  MAC address info is shown in...
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  2082 Hits
2082 Hits

Dashboard for Purchase Orders and Receipts

 A dashboard of purchase orders (POs) and receipts are available for budgetary purposes in the coming release of R2023a. Menu path: Dashboard | Inventory | PO and ReceiptsMonthly POs and Receipts are visualized in bar charts and list views.Use "Year" menu to set a year for reporting.Multi-site drill-down is supported.Drill-down to POs and rece...
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  1816 Hits
1816 Hits

Calem AI: Asset Failure Prediction by AI (artificial intelligence)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology for tackling complex problems such as answering questions. For instance, I got the following response when asking ChatGPT, an AI powered chat bot, "Why AI": Why AI by ChatGPT AI, or artificial intelligence, has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives, from health...
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  2295 Hits
2295 Hits

How to Update User Profile Assignments in Bulk

User access rights are managed in Calem by ACL Profiles. It is efficient to manage user profiles in bulk for organizations with many users. This is done through bulk data export and import (see this blog).  1. Export Profile Assignment The first step is to inventory the profile assignments. The exported assignments are then used to prepar...
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  1608 Hits
1608 Hits

How to Use Authorization for Expenditure (AFE)

Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) is added in the project module in release R2023 available in February 2023. The process of AFE is outside of Calem. AFEs including approved totals are stored in Calem for tracking cost in purchase orders (PO). 1. AFE An AFE is identified by an AFE number (AFE #). It is referenced in projects, ...
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  2609 Hits
2609 Hits

How to Assign Buyers to Vendors

In the coming release of Calem R2023 one can assign buyers to vendors. Calem will auto-fill buyers based on the buyer assignment.  Menu path: Purchase | Open | Vendor BuyerVendor site and Buyer are requirement for an assignment.The Site column is the PO site. It is optional.Set a site for a buyer to be for a PO site.Leave the site empty for a ...
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  1460 Hits
1460 Hits

Why Adding the Classic Mint Theme

The Classic Mint theme is available in the coming release of R2023. The goal is to allow users who are familiar with the Classic theme to have the same experience with the Mint theme. Here are the key points for the Class Mint theme: It has the advantage of the screen layout of the Classic them and the modern look of the Mint th...
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  1587 Hits
1587 Hits

A Note of Asset Lifespan Alerts

Asset lifespan alerts are available in the coming release of Calem R2023. Work orders may be created at lifespan points such as 80% and 100%. For instance, when an asset exceeds its lifespan (screenshot below), a high priority work order may be created to alert maintenance supervisors.  1. Define Lifespan Alerts The first step is to ...
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  1594 Hits
1594 Hits

The Timeline View for Assets

 The timeline view of assets is available in the coming release of Calem R2023. It provides a quick overview of an asset. It is available for all themes: dark, mint, and classic (screenshots below). A timeline view includes the following components. A headline of the tag number, priority, status and the short note.% of lifespan based on the li...
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  1550 Hits
1550 Hits

The Timeline View of Work Orders

The timeline view of work orders is available in the coming release of Calem R2023.  It provides a quick overview of a work order. It is available for all themes: dark, mint, and classic (screenshots below). A timeline view includes the following components. A headline of the order number, priority, stat...
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  1725 Hits
1725 Hits

How to Add Thousands of Images to Assets

It is intuitive to display an asset image when viewing an asset. An image can be uploaded by the menu "Attach Photo" in the asset form.  1. Drag and Drop Not Practical Calem provides a drag and drop screen to add more than one image and file to Calem as shared docs (see this blog), or as attachment to an object (asset, inventory, etc).  H...
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  1577 Hits
1577 Hits

How to Query Meter-Triggered Work Orders

Work orders can be generated by meter readings based on meter triggers in Calem. In the coming release of Calem R2023 saved queries "Meter Triggered" are provided to identify them. You may build your own saved searches by the use of "Meter Triggered" checkbox added in release R2023. Show "Meter Triggered" column in a work order list. The colum...
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  1467 Hits
1467 Hits

Upload Files When Creating Work Orders

In the coming release of Calem R2023 one can upload files at the work order creation screen.  The feature is available to the creation screens of Work Orders, Service Requests, and Changes from web. In Calem Mobile the feature is available for Work Orders and Service Requests.Previously, pictures and files can be uploaded after ...
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  1371 Hits
1371 Hits

The Dreadful Red Warning Blocker in Calem

It was Friday and the last working day of the year of 2022, the home page of Calem website (1st screenshot below) didn't show. Instead, a red warning blocker (2nd screenshot below) showed up when visiting Calem website ( The red blocker page also showed when visiting Calem cloud service such as demo....
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  5374 Hits
5374 Hits

How to Setup Multiple MAPs in Calem

Multiple MAP APIs are available in the coming release of Calem R2022g in December 2022. They include Google Maps, Esri ArcGIS, Open Street Maps and Floor Plans. Work orders, assets or locations can be visualized in various maps configured in Calem.  The screenshot below shows work orders as markers and its clusters in an Ar...
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  1700 Hits
1700 Hits

A Note of WO Scheduling and Release

1. WO Scheduling Status WO scheduling status is refactored in the coming release of R2022f. It is a colored field in Open WO List. One may use this field to review and schedule/assign work orders. The scheduling status is "Scheduling" in a work order list.The status takes a value of "Fully" (fully scheduled); Partially (partially scheduled); "None"...
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  1992 Hits
1992 Hits

Duplicate Service Request Prompts

A prompt for potential duplicate service request is added when an SR is added manually. Open SRs with matching asset/location and category are potential duplicates and will be listed if found. The feature of duplicate check is available for work orders and inventory items. Click "No Duplicate" to tell Calem it's not a duplicate. A ne...
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  2075 Hits
2075 Hits

Visualize Maintenance in Floorplan Maps

Floor plans are a feature in Calem. It is a great tool to visualize maintenance objects in indoor and outdoor facilities. For instance, a manufacturing plant may be digitized with floor plans. A digitized floor plan is presented as a map with markers of maintenance objects. The screenshot below shows a floor plan with work order markers. ...
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  2550 Hits
2550 Hits