Calem Blogs

Blogs of CalemEAM

What is Open Purchase Order Chart

Available in the coming release of Calem R2021 for January 2021, Open PO (purchase order) Status Chart shows the assignment and status for POs that are being processed. POs that are fully received, invoiced, completed, voided or closed are not included in the chart. It is an smart tool for both supervisors and buyers to vis...
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  3635 Hits
3635 Hits

How to Generate Requisition for Service from PMs

You can configure a PM (a scheduled preventive maintenance work order) to generate requisition for service in Calem when a PM is released as a work order. Here are the steps to achieve it. 1. Create a Service Item A service item is an item for a service. If not created yet, you may create one for the service you will require for...
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  4402 Hits
4402 Hits

How to Report Comments in Work Orders

​A new report has been added to report comments added in work orders in Calem release R20f. Previously, work order comments can be listed and searched from menu path: Work Order | Open | WO Comments. The new report can be accessed from menu path: Work Order | Report | WO Comments A date range can be specified to report work orders by their request ...
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  4488 Hits
4488 Hits

How to Implement Two-Factor Login by App

Two-Factor Login by App is introduced in Calem release R20f (November 2020). It is more intuitive to use than two factor login by email. After username and password is authenticated, a screen is prompted for a code (the second factor) to complete the two-factor login. ​The same screen is shown in Calem Touch (CalemEAM in App Store, or Goo...
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  4573 Hits
4573 Hits

How to Enable QR Code in Calem

Since QR code is easier to scan than 1D barcode we have added QR code display and print in the coming release R20f in Calem. For instance, you can walk to your storeroom to check out parts to your work order by the QR code displayed in your Calem work order screen. 1. QR Code in Calem Web Client QR code can be enabled in Calem web client by adding ...
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  4528 Hits
4528 Hits

How to Customize Error Messages in Calem

One can customize error messages in Calem. This feature may be used by customers to provide error messages that are better understood by their users. For instance, when you try to delete a record in Calem you may get an error message that the record cannot be deleted.  The built-in error message can be replaced by a custom error message b...
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  3872 Hits
3872 Hits

How to Manage Text Customization in Calem

Calem has an elastic architecture for flexible text customization including: On-Screen Text CustomizationProvide a new language pack to add a new language support.Customize texts in Calem for fields, dropdowns, and screens.  1. Customize Text at Screens Text customization is granted for "admin" user, or users of the "Custom System" g...
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  4340 Hits
4340 Hits

How to Freeze Inventory Transactions

​Freezing inventory transaction is available in release R20e of October 2020. This feature allows financial teams to prepare reports while placing inventory transactions on hold. Inventory transactions are not allowed, and error messages are shown when transactions matching a freezing rule are executed. Menu path: Admin | Data Design | Tr...
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  4298 Hits
4298 Hits

How to Select Bins when Receiving All for a PO

A bin selection screen is available in Calem R20e (October 2020 release) when receiving all items for a PO. Calem uses the following process to calculate bins to receive for a PO line: The bins are pre-filled by Calem based on current stock and transaction history.The bins are left blank for PO lines that do not have stock, and there are no history...
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  4116 Hits
4116 Hits

When to Use Group Tree in Customization

Group tree has been added in R02e (October 2020). A group represents a role, a group of users, or a persona in Calem. You should use the group tree if there are many roles in your organization. The group tree shows the group hierarchy for you to visualize the the group structure. Menu path: Admin | Group TreeRight-click on a group&nb...
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  4291 Hits
4291 Hits

Why Adopting QR Barcode in Calem

QR code is a 2D (two dimensional) barcode. It may be adopted by organizations to take full advantage of Calem Mobile: QR code is easier to scan than traditional 1D barcode by phones and tablets. The usability is one of the key factors for productivity gain with Calem Mobile.A technician can scan a QR code in the field ...
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  4788 Hits
4788 Hits

How to Use PMs for Outage (Shutdown) Planning

​An outage or shutdown is a time window when many preventive maintenance tasks can be carried out. This blog discusses the use of PMs in Calem to facilitate the outage or shutdown planning. Step 1. Define PM Plans and PMs The first step is to enumerate all the maintenance tasks for an outage or shutdown. For instance, an outage of a produ...
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  4643 Hits
4643 Hits

How to Update Files in Documents in Calem

A document in Calem can have a file attached to it. A document can be referenced by other objects in Calem including assets, locations, and work orders. If a new version of a file is available, one can use the following steps to update the file of a doc. All objects referencing the doc will see the updated file. Step 1. Remove F...
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  4344 Hits
4344 Hits

How to Customize List View in Calem Touch

List views for Calem Touch can be customized. The steps include the list view customization in the web and configuration changes.  Step 1. List View Menu Customization The first step is to customize the list view from Calem web interface. It is the same as customizing the list views for web. Teh difference is the selection of groups for t...
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  4755 Hits
4755 Hits

How to Implement PMs by Tiered Meter Readings

Tiered meter readings can be configured to schedule PMs in Calem release R20d which is available on August 20, 2020. Here is the diagram of the use case: A new machine is deployed with maintenance schedules based on a meter of operating hours.For the first 30K hours perform first maintenance at 28,000 hours.For the first 50...
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  5729 Hits
5729 Hits

How to Notify Techs of Past-Due Work Orders

​Work orders may not be completed in time. Business processes should be in place to reminder techs and management of past-due work orders.  This blog discusses the workflow process in Calem to notify techs and management of past-due work orders. 1. SLA Contract The first step to set up a contract for work order SLA man...
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  4967 Hits
4967 Hits

How to Manage Contractors by Teams in Calem

​An organization may use contractors/vendors to perform maintenance activities. This blog discusses the use of teams in managing contractors/vendors. 1. Cross-Site Teams Calem provides a flexible team structure: In the coming release of Calem R20d in August 2020 any users of active status can be added to teams. A team may be cre...
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  6450 Hits
6450 Hits

How to Provision User in Calem by SAML SSO

In the coming release of release R20d in August 2020, a feature is available to provision users in Calem based on SAML SSO. The feature allows an organization to centralize user management in its ID Provider. Calem provisions an authenticated user in Calem, or update the user settings accordingly. A user accesses CalemThe user is redirected to its ...
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  4414 Hits
4414 Hits

How to Fetch Data Efficiently via REST API

This blog discusses options to keep a local copy of Calem data up to date via Calem REST API. The use case is as follows: A 3rd party app fetches asset, location and work orders from Calem. The data fetched is stored in a local database at the 3rd party app.The app needs to fetch data from Calem periodically to keep the local copy of data...
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  5429 Hits
5429 Hits

How to Embed Data Fields in Service Request by Email

​In the coming release of R20d one can embed data fields in the service request emails. This feature may be used by 3rd party apps to integrate with Calem. It is an alternative to integration with Calem via REST API. The following is an email sample reporting an issue with an asset. // Email Subject: Routing device malfunction Ref#3359// Email Body...
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  4016 Hits
4016 Hits