Calem Blogs

Blogs of CalemEAM

How to Add a New Status Dropdown in Changes

​This blog discusses the steps to add a new status and a dropdown menu for the new status in change management. The concept can be applied to other objects such as work orders. Let's use the following use case for demo: When a change is created, its status is new. We need an option to set the status of the change to On-Hold in case a change ha...
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  6866 Hits
6866 Hits

How to Use Floorplans as Maps in Calem

Floor plans are drawings or images. They can be used as maps in Calem. For example, work orders are shown as markers and clusters of markers in an indoor business floor plan below. This blog discusses steps to use images as maps in Calem. The feature is available in Calem release R20d in August 2020.  1. Map Setup for Floor Plans The firs...
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  5839 Hits
5839 Hits

Enhancements to Inventory Module in R20c

​Enhancements have been made in the inventory module for the coming release of R20c based on customer feedback. They enable better productivity for end-users. 1. History of Bins in Receiving Parts When receiving parts to stock Calem will display current bin used for the receiving item if there is stock. Otherwise, one has to use "Pick Oth...
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  5229 Hits
5229 Hits

Asset Node Customization in Asset Tree

Asset nodes in Calem asset tree is shown as Asset number and its note field as shown in the screenshot below. This blog discusses the customization of the asset node in the asset tree. 1. Fields of Asset Node The first step is to make sure that the fields used in asset node are included in the following configuration. For instance, one needs to use...
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  5218 Hits
5218 Hits

When to Use Dev Processes in Calem

Dev processes help administrators do development and troubleshooting. They are available in the coming release of R20c in June 2020.  Menu path: Admin | Open | Dev ProcessesOther server processes: Admin | Open | Server Processes 1. Export Database Database export is a scheduled task performed daily in Calem Cloud Service. It allows a...
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  5140 Hits
5140 Hits

How to Mandate Data Entry in Work Order Checklist

A new flag "Note Reqd" is added to work order checklist for steps and safety measures in the coming release of R20c planned for June 2020. This feature provides a way to enforce required data entry. For instance, when a step is completed one must provide extra info such as photos, meter readings, etc. Such requirement can be mandated ...
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  5217 Hits
5217 Hits

How to Configure Calem with a Proxy

A proxy server such as a load balancer may be used with Calem to enforce security policy or to distribute load among Calem application servers. Some configuration changes are necessary for Calem to work with a proxy server. 1. Calem URL by HTTPs If your proxy server is to terminate SSL and Calem is accessed with plain HTTP, one needs to tell C...
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  4711 Hits
4711 Hits

How to Report Work Orders and PMs Due

​In the coming release of R20c in June 2020, one can easily find out the due and past-due work orders and PMs from the Dashboard (highlighted in the screenshot below). Click a row to drill down to a form of tabs. Each tab is a list of PM work orders, Other (Non-PM) work orders, or PMs. Click "Export" button to export to excel for reporting purpose....
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  5396 Hits
5396 Hits

How to Deploy Calem with High Availability & Performance

Calem is a full-featured Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)/Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) application suite. Customers can choose to deploy Calem in ways that best match their business needs. Calem Cloud Service - Calem is deployed in a cloud service provider and managed by CalemEAM.On-Premise Deployment - Calem is deployed in cu...
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  4698 Hits
4698 Hits

How to Add Thousands of Images to Calem (Deprecated)

This blog is deprecated. It is superseded by this blog. There may be thousands of images for asset, work order, and other objects to be imported into Calem when migrating from an existing CMMS/EAM solution after years of usage. This blog discusses an approach to add massive number of images to Calem. The approach requires some&n...
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  4984 Hits
4984 Hits

How to Integrate with Calem

​This is a summary of integration options available in Calem. They are organized into the following parts: API Integration - a third party application uses Calem REST API to integrate with CalemEvent Subscription - a third party application uses REST API to receive Calem data change eventsEmail Integration - Calem reads inbound emails to ...
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  4937 Hits
4937 Hits

When to Use Work Order View in Home Screen

​Work order lists in Home screen can be customized to show work order queues based on business requirements - see this blog for more information about Home screen in Calem. Work order lists are based on work order table by default. You may choose to use work order views for work order lists if you need to show the following info...
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  5628 Hits
5628 Hits

How to Magnify List Views in Work Order Form

A user friendly feature will be available in a future release (R20c about May 2020). It allows one to magnify a detailed list view in work orders to its own list view with full screen size. It is much easier to view and operate a magnified list view in work orders. Administrators can customize other detail lists to add full-screen menu button. This...
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  4409 Hits
4409 Hits

How to Mandate Labor for Work Order Completion

​There are cases when work orders have been completed without recording who performed them. Calem provides options to mandate labor data before one can complete a work order. 1. Mandate Labor for Work Order Completion This feature can be enabled to mandate that at least one labor entry has been entered to complete a work order. A labor entry r...
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  4027 Hits
4027 Hits

When to Use the Deployment Tool for Multi-Services in Calem

The Deployment Tool for Multi-Services is available in the release R20b in April 2020. It simplifies the service management for organizations with many Calem cloud services. 1. Business Case An organization uses Calem Cloud Services for their external and internal customers. It is tedious and time consuming to set up the groups/...
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  5346 Hits
5346 Hits

How to Setup SAML SSO (Single-Sign-On) in Calem

Customers can choose a single sign on (SSO) solution available in Calem including LDAP; and SAML. The LDAP authentication is performed behind scenes from Calem to LDAP servers. It is a choice for Calem Services behind firewalls. SAML performs sign-sign-on from the ID providers. It is a good choice for SSO over the internet. User...
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  5187 Hits
5187 Hits

How to Barcode with Your Phone/Pad in Calem?

You can use barcode in Calem inventory, asset and work orders. You will need the following to get started with barcode: Your iPad/iPhone, or Android Phone or TabletsInstall Calem Touch to your pad or phonesHave a label printer or have existing barcode labels. 1. Barcode Setup The diagram below shows the steps to implement barcode in Calem. The hard...
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  6263 Hits
6263 Hits

When to Change Asset/Location in Work Order

​There are cases that a work order was created with inaccurate asset or location. During troubleshooting an accurate asset or location is identified. The best practice to modify the work order and set the accurate asset. If the work order is for a location, set the accurate location. This is accomplished in Calem with the "Change Ass...
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  5298 Hits
5298 Hits

How to Manage Duplicate Service Requests in Calem

A feature has been added in release R20a to manage duplicate service requests. It allows one to group service requests that are of the same failure cause. 1. Flag "Status to Child"  A new field "Status to Child" is added to a service request (SR). Set the flag to checked for the SR that is the primary SR.  Duplicate SRs will be added...
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  4932 Hits
4932 Hits

When to Use Tree View in Calem Touch

Asset tree view will be available in Calem Touch in release R2020a planned for February 2020. Calem Touch is the mobile application available from App Store and Google Play. The tree view allows one to browse asset and location by its hierarchy.  It is an option to locate an asset/location if you have a well struc...
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  4415 Hits
4415 Hits