Calem Blogs

Blogs of CalemEAM

Seasonal PM Work Order Generation

​There are cases for PM work orders to be generated or not generated by time periods, or seasons.  Case 1. No PM Work Orders for a Time Period Holiday seasons such as Thanksgiving in the US are busy times for food companies. A food company manages its maintenance operation with Calem enterprise, and would like to defer PMs ...
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  7285 Hits
7285 Hits

Multiple-Cloud Service Migration

Instance export and import can be used to extract instance data from one instance and upload to another instance. This is an exciting feature in R10r. It enables organizations to expand their use of CalemEAM and focus on their business needs without being boggled down by enormous investment of time and money in data integration. Business Case 1 The...
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  6912 Hits
6912 Hits

Multiple Services and Owner Groups

Owner groups have been introduced in Calem Enterprise R10r to replace multiple services by service sites. Here is the business case for owner groups: A site has assets for facility management and maintenance management. It is required that when facility management staff view asset tree, they should only see facility assets. The ...
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  8163 Hits
8163 Hits

Session Logs and Site Monitoring

There are two new features in Calem Enterprise R10r release for monitoring user sessions and Calem Service Sites. They are user session logs and Google Analytics integration. User Session Logs Successful user logins are recorded for administrators to analyze user activities. They help answer the following questions: ​H...
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  6823 Hits
6823 Hits

Mandate Failure Codes in Work Orders

This blog is deprecated. See How to Setup Failure Tree for Troubleshooting Reporting failure/action/cause codes in corrective maintenance (CM) work orders allows tracking and analysis of failures and resolutions. The codes are not required in preventive maintenance (PM) work orders. This is done through system configuration.  1. Requ...
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  7410 Hits
7410 Hits

Data Upload Part 3: Preventive Maintenance

 This blog series demonstrate the data setup through uploading data from excel templates. Previous blogs include: Data Upload Part 1: Inventory ModuleData Upload Part 2: Asset and Location Here are some background about excel templates and data upload: An excel data template is generated for each table in Calem. Customers can download the arch...
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  28548 Hits
28548 Hits

Data Upload Part 2: Asset and Location

This blog series demonstrate the data setup through uploading data from excel templates.  Data Upload Part 1: Inventory Module Here are some background about excel templates and data upload: An excel data template is generated for each table in Calem. Customers can download the archive of all the templates at
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  9732 Hits
9732 Hits

Work Order Time Display by Sites

This feature facilitates multi-site work order scheduling by displaying work order times in the time zones of the sites where asset and location are referenced. For instance, a planner is scheduling work orders in multiple time zones, all work orders can be scheduled in local times. The feature covers the various aspects of...
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  6968 Hits
6968 Hits

Data Setup Part 1: Inventory Setup

This blog series demonstrate the data setup through user interfaces. They can be used together with the data upload counterparts. For example, this blog can be used along with the data upload process for Inventory Setup. Inventory setup is also discussed in another blog at a higher level. Step 1. Manufacturer and Vendors Manufacturers and Vendors a...
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  10897 Hits
10897 Hits

Multi-Currency in Calem Enterprise

Multi-Currency in Calem Enterprise allow organizations to operate sites across currency boundaries. The following use cases are supported: Single-Currency. A single currency is used in an organization.Multi-Currency. Multi-currency is used in an organization. There is only one site in the organization. Multi-Currency for Multiple Sites. M...
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  7909 Hits
7909 Hits

Access Control for Part Creation

​Role based access control is available in Calem Enterprise. See this blog for the complete list of customization you can do with Calem. We will cover user access control here. The use case is to limit parts creation:  ​Only authorized users can create parts in Calem. The steps to achieve this goal include: ​Create a user group for u...
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  7866 Hits
7866 Hits

Asset and Location Lookup Tree

In the coming release of Calem Enterprise R10q the asset and location lookups can be done via asset tree. The lookup tree makes it much easier to find an asset through its site/location hierarchy. When creating a work order, service request, or a PM, you may type in the asset number if you have it. Calem brings up a candidate list (called look...
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  9829 Hits
9829 Hits

Mandatory Work Order Steps for Completion

Work order steps are the instructions to complete work orders. A work order can be completed without completing all the steps.  1. Org Configuration Organization may choose to require all steps be completed before work orders can be completed. The following screenshot shows that both corrective and PM work orders require steps to be ...
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  7942 Hits
7942 Hits

Mass Update of Item Numbers

Item numbering is key in inventory management. There are cases that item numbers need to be re-tuned based on changing business needs. To modify a few item numbers use the Item form to do it: Menu: Inventory | Items - Part/Tool, More | Change Item #Menu: Inventory | Open | Items - All, More | Change Item # This blog discusses a way in Calem to upda...
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  7409 Hits
7409 Hits

Multi-Site Logos

Multi-site logo is designed for the following business case:​An organization have sites in different countries and locations. Some of the sites have their own logos and business names. A different logo can be configured for a site.Work order, requisition and purchase orders can be printed with a site's logo if defined. Here are the steps ...
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  7284 Hits
7284 Hits

Work Order Completion Time

​In Calem Enterprise R10p release, the work order completion time is validated against labor reports. Here is the business case: When labor hours are reported in a work order, the start and end time of labor reports are calculated.When completing a work order, the actual start and finish time must include the start and end time ...
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  6605 Hits
6605 Hits

Asset Tree and Class Tree

A host of user friendly enhancements have been implemented in asset trees in Calem Enterprise R10p. You can now search the asset tree and view an asset in the asset tree. The blog is updated to keep it up to date. A new asset class tree has replaced the category/sub-category tree in R10p. Search in Asset Tree The free text searc...
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  7688 Hits
7688 Hits

Default Steps in Change Management

​Change management can include steps to complete. Organizations may follow a predefined set of steps for a change. In Calem Enterprise R10p a set of steps can be defined at site or company level so one can have a single set of steps for all the sites, or a different set of steps for each site.  Step 1. PM Plan PM Plans are used ...
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  6523 Hits
6523 Hits

Meter Rounds

Meter rounds is a meter reading application in the coming R10p release of Calem Enterprise. It enables a technician to walk a route and take meter readings.  It uses features in Calem including meter round, PMs, and work orders. Here is the process to set up reading rounds:  The first step is to define a meter set with meters and the...
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  11170 Hits
11170 Hits

Data Upload Part 1: Inventory Setup

This blog series demonstrate the data setup through uploading data from excel templates.  Here are some background about excel templates and data upload: An excel data template is generated for each table in Calem. Customers can download the archive of all the templates at A cu...
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  10508 Hits
10508 Hits